chasing snow...

it called for 6-10 inches of snow in the mountains

all in a matter of hours 

then the rain would reside 

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i woke my love

and shared how i wanted to see our river in white

i wanted to see the snow

i wanted to touch the snow

i wanted to smell the snow

i wanted to hear the snow

trying as hard as i might

attempting to entice my love and our littles

of a little snow white

i shared how this would be the opportune time

to take our truck for a little test run

it made it to the sun shining mountains with a few minor glitches

but since its rebuild it hasn't set foot on white

after hours of hymn ha~ing through the day

my love sat up and said lets go

i sprang from my seat and scurried away

an hour and a half up and same coming down

my love said it will be a short run

the clock spoke of one thirty one

and the rain was to set with high flailing winds between five and six

nearly minutes after the clock struck two

we were on the road

chasing the snow

as we headed out of town

it was a dark and dreary mess

but once we hit the road of the mountainside

my heart skipped a beat

as it became a wintery wonderland

well sometimes good feelings die hard and quick

just about half way up

it became apparent that our little road trip

was coming to a screeching white halt

there was no place to go 

except off the next exit

if ever we wanted to make it home before morn

inevitably we made the turn 

my love paused for a moment

and decided to sneak onto a road less traveled

this man he knows me well

he knows my mind

he knows my heart

he knew there was a camera at hand

so we were granted with a quick little stroll 

and a bit of a nature call

on a side note if you please...when looking at our truck will notice a lovely blueish purple tint

though great for blocking the makes for a bit of a struggle to photograph when you are inside

hence why you will see a hint of blue at times

with darkness slowly on the rise

and the winds and rain kicking in

 it was our time

to hit the main road

and make our way home

it might not of been what i was i hoping for

there were no rivers of white raging so

just mile upon mile of blanketed trees

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but seeing the land all covered in white

was plenty for me


Orison Swett Narden once said:

"Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities...seize common occasions and make them great."

taking time to look~

one wee little one: will you take a picture

he says this as he is holding the curtain open in our bedroom  

me: in a little bit, i just put my camera away

one wee little one: but mama, you really need to come and look and bring your camera

i walked into our bedroom...made my way over to our window and was enticed by what he saw

me: thank you buddy for wanting me to come and look, my camera i am getting and what fascinating pictures they will be

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Henry David Thoreau Once Said: 

"It is not what you look at that matters, it is what you see." 


summer has been here

but we have not


our days have taken captive over our time outdoors

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without much thought

i woke saturday

and said we need to go

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i needed out

i needed to be wrapped in the warmth of summers sun

i needed to breath the freshness the sweetness of air

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i needed to clear my mind

i needed to pretend just for a moment that there is nothing

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i needed to be surrounded by the beauty of life thriving 

i needed to be apart of nature in its flourishing moment

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heres to savoring one of summers day

M.J. Durkin once said: 

"Breathe in the fresh air of the freedom to create your own mood rather than the stale air of being a prisoner of circumstance."


life moments...two~

...when you take your father to a VETERANS hospital and your littles come along...


as adults, we understand there is a certain level of respect given as you walk through the hallways of a Veterans unspoken understanding that regardless of the outer or inner appearances and emotions...each of these men and women have endured life in a way most of us would never even fathom




one wee little has to take a hundred trips to the bathroom...repeatedly...his brother and i would walk him down to the restroom and prop ourselves up against the wall across from where he resided...and inevitably as one wee littlest stood within those bathroom walls...someone would non nonchalantly walk up and knock on the door to see if the bathroom was vacant...and with each knock you would hear the voice of our little..






and each time he came out, i would explain to him that he needed to remember his manners and try to use a normal voice


and he replied


"but mama, they're old and i was afraid they could not hear me" 


true in many regards...most WERE among the elderly age


i understand but please try not to yell so loud 


"ok mama" 


now after a few hours passed

waiting for his poppi's surgery to be over

he says to me


"mama, i have to go to the bathroom" 




"i have to sit" 


sighing...i say let's go and his brother and i walked him back down to the bathroom


this time we decide to stand guard

both of us laughing as we each take a post and place ourselves on each side of the door

this time ensuring there will be no yelling from within the walls of the bathroom


a few minutes pass by and suddenly there is a LOUD sound


i hear the sheer panic in the voice of our littlest one


"maaaamaaa...what's happening" 


its ok...its just an alarm going worries


and just a quickly as these words slipped from my mouth  

i see in the corner of my eye a shadow coming swiftly towards me

i turn to look and see a nurse standing there frantic


 "is everything ok" 


and as i stand there looking and hearing her hits me... 

that alarm that is ringing ever so loudly throughout the floor...that alarm




oh my goodness...i am so sorry...he must of accidentally pushed the button


"mama what's happening"


"did you push a button" 




the nurse stood trying to explain through the door how to push the button off...but nothing was making any sense to that wee littlest one  


"mama...there is no button" 


the three of us stood there looking dumb founded at one another

and then it stops


she looks at me

 then turns and walks away


one wee older one and i can not help but laugh






"soooo, i was just sitting in here and well i was playing with this string on the wall...i was bored so i decided to tie it in knots" 


THE STRING...i forgot all about the string on the walls


"bored can not play in the bathroom" 


"mama...i wasn't playing...i was just tying knots and i did not know it would make a loud sound...i'm sorry" 


 "it's ok...just please next not touch anything"


"ok..but then how do you expect me to go to the bathroom" 


shaking my head


"no buttons or strings" 


"ok mama...i'm sorry" 


fourteen years~

i am understanding the age

lifes grand game of tug of war

the gentle pulling away

the unwanted letting of go

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as much as i long to keep him safely tucked by my side...his wings are spreading day by day...flapping a little further from the nest we've created...boundaries being pushed...needs being extended a little farther by day

sigh...the years have passed on by far faster than i have wished











Once more, the page turns, another chapter has begun


happiest of happy birthdays to our wee oldest one


eight years~

so   big

yet still so small

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last night

for a moment

just for a moment

he forgot how big he was  


i started humming  

and he asked  

"mama will you sing the words" 


  he allowed me to sing to him just like i had for so many years


for a moment

just for a moment

i felt i had my baby back









happiest of happy birthdays to our wee littlest


we have been as busy as bees working and tending

so much so ​

that i had forgotten to come back and post this post

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​with spring present

we have had burst of energy ​

that has kept us all moving




dirty fingers

filthy toes

soil digging

seed planting

grass growing

warmth and light shining

first of the bumble bees

birds singing

trees budding

outdoor learning

teas blessed by the sun

​time relaxing

embracing spring just as it is


there is nothing quite like the days of spring and the time you spend outdoors with nature 

creating with pink and red...

it is not often

when raising boys

that the colors




come out to play

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i learned long ago

my days with our littles

would not be that





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 having accepted those terms 

i have also learned

when those few days of February make a turn

i come forth to the table willfully prepared

ready for the battle cries

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 the grumbles and groans

that will be heard from lands far away

before we even begin

declarations are immediately proclaimed

one wee littlest:

but mama, i don't want pink and red

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one wee older one says to his brother:

there's no point in trying, she won't give in

smart one is he

who learned long ago

he simply will not win

the battle against




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and without missing a beat

one wee littlest says: 

what about black and blue

and once more i say

today is for




i know...i am evil right...hehehe

its just a few mere days, that i throw out the whole embrace your littles creative side, you know sometimes they need a little push to steer them in a different direction to open their minds and explore a new road

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and before too long

the battle has passed

and hearts are quickly and happily made

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and discoveries too

one wee littlest says:

look mama, even light can make love

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 light can make love 

and so can you


one wee littlest says:

mama, i hope we're not done, i wanted to make some more

so in the end




did not harm none

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and this morning i woke

to the sweetest of sweet

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not only had cards been made

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but my breakfast too

i am thinking

they may have had a wee bit of inspiration

coming from the


of my sis  

John Barrymore once said:

"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open."

not just today

but each that comes forth

know that you are always

surrounded by love

sweet saturday...

i have yet to meet another


in this world

who is




than the mother of me

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the love she shared and gave

to my sister and i

as children

growing up

never skipped a beat

and to this day











i think

if you could believe

has quite possibly grown



with time

i remember...there was never a holiday, "big" moment or bad day that our mother forgot...she would show up to school armed with flowers, balloons and a card or cakes and sweet treats...yet sometimes to our surprise...if it wasn't waiting there in the office..upon our arrival back home there she would be to brighten our day and just let us know how much she that we are older...she still continues to spread her love and has made room for more than just two...

yesterday's visit

with my parents

came with an extra sweet bonus


for always giving such


Sophia Loren once said:

"When you are a mother, you are never alone in your thoughts. A mother has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child"

loved stitched...

because sometimes

just sometimes

you need a little one to love

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one wee little stitching with ♥

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his heart complete

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now for his feet

one foot

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two feet

look at me now

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i am almost complete

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one wee little

carefully adds

his final touches of ♥

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and the last of his stitches are all sewn up 

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hey wait

i need my eyes

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i thought you forgot


i can see you

looking back at me

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one wee little chose

to leave him without his nose

i am sure he won't mind 

just as long as

he is l♥ved

Morrie Schwartz once said:

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

sunday's snow...

was one of which had been waiting

a long overdue jaunt needed to be taken

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it is not too often that i am the one being captured

but thanks to one of my littles

and a gift from his nana

i think there may be more moments that arise

she who is rarely without a pair of needles and tea

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as the years have gone by

a sign we've come to know

when we see a dusting of snow across the land

there most definitely will be

good times to be had

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as one hopped out to lock the hubs

i savored a quick moment to capture the trees

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the road we chose

a treasure of ours

it looked quite promising

some years it just isn't so

and we end up having to travel farther down

but today was our day

there was not a doubt in our minds

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the only problem to be forsaken 


with adventures comes patience

being a husband and little of mine

is surely no small task

and it may not always be fun

it requires each to dig down deep

and pull from the very depths of their core

a tremendous amount of patience to behold

this is the something they have come to know and accept

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so while i am snapping away

they sit with grace and ease

and the only words that are spoken


"did you happen to look left"


"hey mama...did you see"

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one wee littlest yells from the back

"just around the corner...right"

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and sure enough a few feet away

our truck comes to a stop

and within a matter of seconds

the boards and toys come flying out

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up we three go

climbing the hill

at the top

one wee little has a brilliant thought

"hey mama...lets all three go down"

i take the back with one wee littlest in the middle and one wee little takes the front

error on our behalf

really i should have known this was trouble

if only you could have seen him fly

we hit a bump and off he flew

laughing all the way

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now that did not frighten one wee littlest

he turns to me and says

"mama...i want to fly like baba did"

and fly he did

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over and over 

they came flying down

then one wee little switched to a board

which sparked a thought'

"hey papa...why don't you go down"

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so up he climbed and down he went

hence going a wee bit to fast

another not so wise moment at hand

going down on one wee littles board

truly not meant for a grown man

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amist all their fun

he and i

we sat quietly together

savoring a few spare moments

and watched the vivaciousness of our littles

oh the spirit of life and living children bring forth

a blessing that never seems to stop

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and all to soon

our time was calling

as the sun slowly starting sinking

down into the horizon

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said:

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead, where there is no path and leave a trail"

with dinner comes paint...

one wee little: mama

me: ya

one wee little: you know what

me: what

one wee little: it feels like a painting kind of day

me: does it now

one wee little: yep, what do you say

me: well, i guess painting it will be

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me: but first can i finish making dinner and then we can paint

one wee little: can't you do both

me: well i guess i can

one wee little walks over to the fridge and grabs himself a huge handful of cranberries

me: what are you going to do with those, might i ask

one wee little: {looking at me as if i had no brain} paint mama, i'm gonna paint

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me: oh, i see...what colors would you like

one wee little: how's about green, gold, you know, the shiny kind and black

me: green, black and the shiny kind of gold, huh?

one wee little: yep, oh and mama, can i have a a piece of the carrot your cutting?

me: a piece of carrot...for eating or painting

one wee little: painting, remember we're painting

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one wee little: oh and i need a piece of that celery too

me: one piece of celery and carrot coming up

one wee little: thanks mama

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me: no problem

i sat for a moment and watched the creator at hand

fascinated always i am 

to watch my wee little at work

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one wee little: look mama...abstract

me: lookin good buddy, lookin good

though i thought to was turning out quite cute at first

but tis not my process

nor my art

one wee little: mama...aren't you going to paint

me: well dinner is done, so i most definitely can

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one lesson this wee little has given me's not  so much about the finished piece 

as it is the process

it is within those moments

that teaches us to be impertinent  

just as a child

their mind allotting the freedom to play

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one wee little: are you painting the sky

me: honestly buddy, i am not quite sure...but i  guess the sky it could be

one wee little: could you imagine a gold filled sky

me: wouldn't that be a dream

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one wee little: you are painting trees...will you teach me how to paint a tree like that

me: most definitely so

so on this day

i say awaken your mind

rekindle with the child of what once was 

seek it out

go knockin on it's door

dust off the cobwebs that have collect over time

shake off the fears that came to be

restrained by an adult like mind 

hold no reservations

have no hesitation

don't waste away time

forgetting what it means to play

as my littles forever are teaching me

life is  found in the process of doing

not in the finished piece